stephen's shared items

Saturday, October 3, 2009

50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration

50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration: "

Companies send a lot of money on trying to catch your attention, in this collection you’ll find creative advertisements that probably reached their goal.

1. Bounty’s big spills campaign

bounty advertising

2. Tyskie beer

tyskie beer ad

3. Johnnie Walked

johnnie walked

4. Bad Dog Breath

dog breath ad

5. Google Street View

google street view ad

6. Hospital Aleman

hopita aleman

7. Ibuprofen advil

ibuprofen 50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration

8. Audi Sculpture

audi sculpture

9. Fight smoking

fight smoking

10. Give a hand to wildlife

wildlife hand

11. What goes around comes around

stop iraq war

12. Pollution is closer than you think

pollution 50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration

13. Tibits, vegetarian restaurant

vegetarian restaurant

14. Axe schedule

axe schedule

15. DHL online tracking

dhl online tracking

16. Law & Order billboard

law order billboard

17. Before it’s too late

wwf forest lung

18. Don’t let them get too comfortable

too comfortable

19. The power of Viagra

viagra ad

20. Reading Humo can have serious consequences

humo ads

21. Gillette ambient ad

gillette 50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration

22. Get them off your dog

get them off your dog

23. Weight watcher ambient

weight watcher

24. Pringles campaign

pringles 50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration

25. Disney Star Wars week-end

disney star wars

26. Direct Ski

direct ski

27. Slimfast

slimfast1 50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration

28. iPod shuffle campaign

ipod shuffle ad

29. Silvikrin

silvikrin 50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration

30. Lego Advertisement

lego advertisement

31. Sci Fi Channel

humans are among us

32. Rowenta

rowenta 50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration

33. Old Timer restaurant

old timer restaurant

34. Aquafresh Floss

aquafresh floss

35. Career Builder: maybe it’s time to move on

career builder

36. YKM bag

ykm bag

37. Lays Potatoes

lays potatoes

38. Clearex Israel

clearex wall

39. The Guitar Store

the guitar store

40. Yellow Pages, restaurant found

restaurant found

41., stuck in the wrong job?

monster ballet

42. Rona, we recycle your painting leftovers

rona apple

43. Ballet classes

ballet classes

44. Moserbaer, mega storage capacity

moser baer

45. Spontex, maximum absorption

spontex kitchen

46. Death by iPod

death by ipod

47. Nikon D700 Billboard

nikon d700

48. Animal Planet, authentic documentaries

animal planet

49. Harley Davidson, stop dreaming

stop dreaming harley

50. Papa John’s delivery

papa johns

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Post from: Graphic design blog

50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration


stephen's shared items